

The most advanced and comprehensive contractor training program in the industry!


With your order, you'll receive my 3RS Claims MAX© low tech and easy to use but repeatedly proven high performing storm damage restoration contractor training program with FREE 3RStimax© plus "The Unmasking of UPPA©" exposé and the contractors version of "The 3RS Insured Property Owners Storm Damage Recovery Guide©".  This program that includes free updates when appropriate, is only available to retail remodel and storm damage restoration contractors.  

NOTE:  The "3RS Insured Property Owners Storm Damage Recovery Guide©" has already been made available to hundreds of thousands of insured property owners across the country who are advised to hire storm damage contractors who are familiar with the guide and have also completed the full 3RS Claims MAX© and 3RStimax© storm damage restoration contractor training program.  Property owners who have studied the materials now know more about how the insurance claims process should really work than 98% of insurance company adjusters and most non 3RSystems, LLC trained storm damage restoration contractors across the country.   

(As soon as your paid order has been received and validated, your product choice will be sent directly to you at the email address given) 

3RSystems, LLC does not currently accept venmo 


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Your investment in this one of a kind advanced contractor training program is 100% tax deductible as an ordinary and necessary business expense

Also check out our PRIVATE in house (your location) contractor, sales rep, and staff training as shown on the "Other Services" page.




 Orders for any of the above products placed by individuals or parties who falsely present will be rejected and their fees paid will be retained by 3RSystems, LLC to cover any and all administration and legal costs.  Other than offering an experienced opinion in reference to the above, none of the above is or should be construed as tax, insurance, investment, or legal advice.  Neither the writer nor the company or companies mentioned gives tax, insurance, investment, or legal advice.  If you need such advice it is recommended that you contact a licensed professional practicing in the area of your concern.


8 $2,000 + every year to tell you what they think you should be paid on your customers repair claims!-