Up until the year 2010, contracting to repair the storm damaged properties of insured property owners was still a relatively simple process. In 2010 however, with the P&C insurance industry's aggressive push to make the Unauthorized Practice of Public Adjusting (UPPA) model act the law of the land, and their successful push to convince restoration contractors that there was an advantage in paying for and using the insurance industry created and controlled Xactimate repair estimating platform to estimate the cost of their insured customers property damage claims, the storm damage restoration industry has been on a continual downward and quite costly spiral.
The annual financial costs as a result of the above as well as a lack of advanced and substantive contractor training, to both insurance restoration contractors and their roofing and related building product manufacturers and distributors, is estimated to be in the billions of dollars. The biggest cost however, all due to the above, is the tremendous financial and other cost to the ultimate end users of those building products - the millions of insured property owners from across the country. Although they pay billions of dollars every year on insurance premium payments to P&C insurance companies to protect their interests if and when the need arises, now more than ever, as the American Policyholder Association (APA) YouTube video below clearly illustrates, those P&C insurance companies will do everything in their power to, in far too many cases, unfairly underpay or deny the legitimate property damage insurance claims of those insured's.
A key part of the solution to the problem...
While there are a number of fine people who offer insurance claim process training programs to restoration contractors, all of them are limited in what they can teach due to a lack of experience on how to directly and successfully confront then overcome the kinds of obstacles and hurdles that I've overcome over the years and wrote about in Pro Se Can You See?© (see below). Although each one of those situations was different, they are not dissimilar to the obstacles and hurdles placed in the way of restoration contractors and their insured property owner customers by the less than honorable powers that be behind UPPA, Xactimate, and the P&C insurance industry in general. Once restoration contractors are properly trained on how to truly overcome those obstacles and hurdles though my advanced 3RSystems, LLC storm damage restoration contractor training, the control is taken away from the P&C insurance industry and their sycophants and given back to the contractors and their insured customers.
Aside from the many restoration contractors from across the country who have already achieved a higher level of success after completing my advanced "take no prisoners" style of restoration contractor training, most don't yet understand my approach and are therefore, initially hesitant to put it into practice. The idea that they can take the power position when going up against P&C insurance companies, their TPA adjusting firms and engineers, and the general overall "stay in your lane" propaganda BS placed in their way by P&C insurance and their sycophants, is still foreign to them, so they fail to act.
Therefore, the training and training support must be provided to them by at least one of their building product manufacturing or distribution company employees. Yes, I did mean to say employees. Keep in mind, contractors, building product manufacturing and distribution company reps, from their CEO's on down the line, work for you, not the other way around. Without the billions of dollars you pay them every year for their products and services, they have no business. It is, in fact, those billions of dollars that, over the years, helped turn one roofing and related building products distribution company founder into the wealthiest self-made woman in America with an estimated net worth of over twenty one BILLION dollars. (Source: Forbes)
Until that advanced training is put into the hands of restoration contractors by at least one of their building product manufacturers or distributors, both will remain handcuffed by all of the self-serving rules and edicts that the P&C insurance industry, et al. has placed in their and their insured customers way, thereby leaving them essentially helpless to assist their insured property owner customers in any truly meaningful way. And that's just the way P&C insurance likes it.
What truly amazes me is that fact that, although having been made aware by me of the annual multi-millions to billions dollar missed sales revenue cost to them as a result of not yet acting on the recommendations given vs. the multi-billions dollar sales revenue recapture and increased profit potential resulting from putting my plan into place - e.g., getting the training into their valued contractor customers hands ASAP, those same building product manufacturing and distribution company CEO's have, thus far, chosen to remain sitting on their hands instead of taking the corrective action as prescribed. When they do take such action, the return on their one time investment that would amount to just a very tiny fraction of first year dramatically increased profits, will advance them to a #1 top level position in the industry. It will also help to keep them in that position long term since, once the agreement with 3RSystems, LLC to provide the training to a particular manufacturing or distribution company is approved, no other building products manufacturing or distribution company will be given access to the program.
By not taking the prescribed actions, you are hurting insured's, your customers, your company, and your investors and shareholders
If you have any doubts about my resolve, commitment, and ability to get the truth out and correct that which needs to be corrected which begins with getting this advanced training out to your customers, read my past record of having done so by clicking on the "Pro Se Can You See?©" link below:
The days of appeasing contractor customers with offers of gift cards, YETI coolers, gas grilles, rebates, and even contractor paid CRM programs that ultimately benefit the programs' Private Equity investors much more than the contractors who pay for them, are over. If that's the best a building products manufacturer or distributor can do for their loyal contractor customers, those contractor customers should probably consider bringing their valuable product orders business to a different company.
What's included in the 3RSystems, LLC training program that turns contractors into industry leaders?
"If you don't know what UPPA is, you need to know." - Famed plaintiff's attorney John W. Houghtaling, II
As one of the country's leading experts on Unauthorized Practice of Public Adjusting (UPPA) law and its origins, with my "The Unmasking of UPPA"© exposé, I reveal the truth about and the people behind what I believe to indeed be, one of the biggest financial scams ever perpetrated against the American insurance buying public. Falsely promoted by the P&C insurance industry and their minions to (often paid) state legislators as consumer protection and then signed into law by ill-informed and/or misled state Governors, UPPA became the key to allowing P&C insurance to indefinitely "delay, deny, and defend" against paying their insured customers billions of dollars every year that are legitimately owed to them on their insurance covered property damage claims. With their new and in depth understanding of this corrupt law, insured property owners and their chosen insurance restoration contractors will know how to overcome and defeat it.
The Xactimate / Symbility alternative
In 2011, so threatened by 3RStimax©, ISO, Inc., the actual owners of Xactimate, attempted to but failed to shut it down.
With 3RSystems, LLC’s powerful, proprietary, and repeatedly proven 3RStimax© storm damage insurance repair estimating system, insurance restoration contractors are able to write and submit their insured customer’s property damage estimates and GC O&P at real, true, and accurate (RTA) free market pricing, not at the typical lowball Xactimate (or Symbility) “forced market” pricing that insurance company adjusters typically write.
From the graph above – the average 3RStimax© per job price increase above the property & casualty insurance company adjusters "final offers" was equal to $28,244.86. Also notice in the graph on the right how, using 3RStimax© to properly calculate the GC O&P, the GC O&P total shown on the claim came to $23,146.63, resulting in $8,262.54 more than when calculated at the P&C insurance made up, so-called “industry standard” rate of 10% &10% (just $14,884.09) With 3RStimax©, contractors also have the option to submit their repair cost pricing as either “Cost +” or LUMP SUM bids. Also notice that none of the jobs shown required Public Adjuster involvement, thereby saving the contractor precious production time and over $27,000 in PA fees that would otherwise have been subtracted from their final job prices.
Of special note to roofing and related building product manufacturers and distributors: Of the $197,714 total increase on the seven jobs shown, $62,279.91 or, $8,897.13 per job went to pay for additional roofing, siding, and other needed building products. The June 2017 Minnesota wind and hail storm that I mentioned in the Pro Se Can You See© examples caused damage to 33,000 mostly residential properties. Were 3RStimax© instead of Xactimate or Symbility used to price the repairs on those claims, the per job increase at $8,897.13 (additional building product orders) would have amounted to a total building products order increase of $293,605,290 dollars! And keep in mind, that's just from one storm.
An average annual subscription cost for XM8 is $2,100. Symbility is slightly less. P&C insurance cannot mandate that contractors use Xactimate or Symbility and there is no advantage in using either. Insurance adjusters don't "prescribe" what repairs are needed, the contractor, who is the expert, "describes" what repairs are needed.
Our exclusive and proprietary "3RS Insured Property Owner Storm Damage Recovery Guide©" has been and will continue to be promoted and offered to millions of insured property owners from across the USA through an aggressive, all out, and ongoing massive action media campaign using TV, social media, blogs, public interest organizations, and national and international financial publications. Through the guide, insured property owners will learn everything they need to know in order to defend themselves against P&C insurance company attempts to unfairly underpay or deny their legitimate insurance covered property damage claims - including how to ask for GC O&P. Contractors who have been certified by 3RSystems, LLC will also receive access to the guide so that they will understand its contents when talking with their customers.
Through the guide, insured property owners will also be advised which building product manufacturer and distributor products 3RSystems, LLC recommends they use to complete their property damage repairs. They will also be instructed to only contract their property damage repairs with certified 3RSystems, LLC trained storm damage insurance restoration contractors.
Adjuster/Engineer/Desk Adjuster Questionnaire/Report Forms
This is your chance to step up to the plate and make a tremendous difference for insured property owners, your customers, your company, and your investors and shareholders. By getting this one of a kind, advanced storm damage insurance restoration contractor training program in the hands of your valued restoration contractor customers, you'll not only recover hundreds of millions to billions of dollars worth of missed product sales revenues and profits, you'll attract new business from your competitors contractor customers and, you'll be able to present your company investors and shareholders with top level returns on the money they've entrusted to your company. To learn more about the program and learn how to get started, feel free to contact me for details through the Contact link at the top of this page. All discussions in regard to the proposal will be kept private and confidential. The 2025 storm season is now upon us so the time to act is now.
Insurance restoration contractors, insured property owners, TV, radio, and social media, national and International financial & related publications, and related others interested in a general synopsis on the program: Feel free to contact me through the Contact link provided at the top of the page.
Larry Burtis - President/CEO, 3RSystems, LLC
Minneapolis, Minnesota USA